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(Ages 3 through 12):



Do you have a BOB for your kids? 

Kids over 12 should carry a normal Basic Adult Bug Out Bag.

During a SHTF situation it will be important for your kids to feel as safe and secure as possible. Having their own child sized Bug Out Bag filled with familiar items and comfort foods can be a real life saver during an emergency.

With children comfort items often become a top priority to ensure their overall mental health during a SHTF scenario.


What Items should go into a kids bug out bag:


Basic Survival Items: Make sure they are light weight and age appropriate, heavier items and gear should be in the adult’s bags.


  • Flash light (preferably a solar or shake-light or dynamo-crank kind that do not require batteries)

  • Emergency whistle (clipped to the outside of pack so they can easily find it if they become separated from you)

  • Laminated emergency contact list with name, home address, and telephone numbers.

  • Pre-paid cell phone (for kids who are old enough to use them)

  • Poncho or Emergency Sleeping Bag/Shelter

  • Extra socks, pair of gloves and knit hat or bandana (depending on your climate)

  • Dust mask or gas mask (if you child is old enough to operate one)

  • Small pocket knife for the older kids or safety scissors for younger kids

  • Band aids & wipes, small first aid kit

  • Small bottle of hand sanitizer

  • Water packets and oral rehydration packs like Pedialyte or gatorade

  • Food ration bars

  • Canteen & cup

  • Emergency sleeping bag

  • Change of clothes (climate appropriate)

  • Lighter/Matches (for older kids who know how to make fire and are properly trained)

  • Comfort Items (pick a few, you don’t have to have every item listed here)

  • Stuffed animals (loveys)

  • A couple small light weight toys

  • Pack of playing cards or travel size games

  • Baseball or small Nerf football

  • Harmonica

  • An IPod or small device to play games and listen to music with solar charger (for older kids)

  • Hard candy

  • Bubble gum

  • Trail mix, granola bars, dehydrated fruit

  • Drink mix packets or mylar juice packs (like Capri-Sun)

  • Family photo & contact info


Remember a kid’s bug out bag is not meant to be an adult BOB. 

Its main purpose is to comfort your child during a stressful situation and give them a feeling of control. With younger children comfort items are a top priority and will help to ensure their overall mental health.


Make sure you customize the bag for your child’s age, personality, medical needs, and overall fitness level.

Also, kids need to know what to do if they're separated from their parents. Work out a plan and a place to meet up. Be sure they know your cell phone number and names. 



BUG OUT BAG FOR BABIES (Infant to 3 years of age)


Remember you are going to have to carry the baby, your own Bug Out Bag, and supplies for your baby, so either make a smaller bag for the baby's stuff, or add the baby supplies to a bigger adult Bug Out Bag. It’s kind of like putting together a more thorough diaper bag, but with enough supplies for the baby for at least 72 hours.


-Baby formula either in the small pre-mixed plastic bottles or powdered formula sealed in Mylar bags

-Baby cereral in a sealed bag

-Water packets

-Both disposable diapers and cloth diapers with safety pins in a Ziploc bag to keep them dry

-Baby waterproof diaper covers

-small changing mat

-a few changes of clothes, socks, shoes, hat

-blankets & jacket/fleece body suit

-Baby finger food snacks like puffs, cheerios, rice crackers, soft granola bars, etc

-Baby food jars wrapped in bubble wrap to prevent breakage or the sealed Gerber Graduates baby food bowls/trays, baby feeding spoons and squeeze-pouches

-Bottles, nipples, sippy cup

-Wipes (both wet and dehydrated)

-Sunscreen, bug spray, diaper rash cream, baby powder, baby lotion, baby body wash

-A few age appropriate toys/books/stuffed animals/rattles etc, pacifiers, lovey toy/blanket

-Baby chest rig for carrying baby hands free (like Bjorn Baby Carrier)

-Baby Tylenol, baby ibuprofen, baby orajel, baby gas drops, and any prescription medications

-copy of birth certificate and shot record

-non-iodine water purification tablets (babies can’t have iodine)

-baby first aid kit

-baby grooming kit that has nail clippers, hair brush, suction bulb, and thermometer

-Baby liquid vitamins like Poly-VI Sol

-Baby powdered Pedialyte (oral rehydration solution)

-Anything needed for breast feeding (if mom is breast feeding)- pump, nursing pads, burp rags, lanolin cream for mom


What do I put in my Bug Out Bag?



  • Carrier-  a sturdy weather-proof backpack made to carry heavy loads

  • Water-  water packets, water containers, aquablocks, etc.

  • Water filter/purification tablets

  • Food- mylar packaged food (Mountain House, Wise Foods, MREs, freeze-dried or dehydrated foods, energy bars, granola, trailmix, etc.)

  • Canteen, Cup & Cover, preferably stainless steel

  • Cookware (mess kit) and fuel (sterno, alochol stove, etc)

  • Fire Kit- matches, ferro rod, magnesium, zippo/lighter, jute, fatwood,etc

  • Medical Kit- basic first aid, surgical kit with sutures, medications etc

  • Hygiene- toothbrush, toothaste, towelettes or washcloth, soap, feminine hygiene products, chapstick, toilet paper, bug spray, sunscreen, etc.

  • Clothing- layer appropriate clothing for season and environment, boots, extra socks, extra underwear, hat, gloves, bandana/shemag

  • Poncho- for rain protection

  • Shelter- Bivy shelter or a tarp, or mummy/hiker's tent

  • Sleeping bag (based on temperatures)

  • Emergency Blanket (mylar)

  • Mosquito Netting (optional)

  • N95 Dust Mask

  • Communication- hand-crank (dynamo) or solar radio, whistle, signaling mirror, flares, etc.

  • Lighting-  flashlight (preferably solar/dynamo) & extra batteries, candles

  • Knife, Multitool, Collapsible saw, Axe/Hatchet

  • 550 Paracord Rope- at least 100ft.

  • Folding Shovel

  • Fishing Kit- line, lures, sinkers, hooks, Yo-Yo Reel, Speedhook, etc.

  • Duct Tape- for repairs and can be used to start fires

  • Ziploc Bags- can be used to keep your items dry, carry water, etc

  • Sewing Kit (housewife)- thread, needle, buttons, velcro, etc

  • Survival books or survival playing cards

  • Maps (topo and detailed) perferably of your area or Bug-Out Location

  • Compass, magnetized needle

  • Cash, items for trade/barter, gold/silver, alcohol, tobacco, etc.

  • Security- knives, firearms, ammo, taser, mace, etc.

  • Personal medications or special need items, knee brace/similar devices

  • Emergency Plan, Copies of important documents, Driver's License/ID, Passport, Contacts List, SSN Cards, Birth/Marriage Certificates, Copies of Property/Auto Deeds/Titles, bank account info, etc.

  • Comfort Items like candy, chocolate, gum, etc.








© School of Self Reliance LLC  1990-2017.  Name, logo, pictures, content are copyrighted to School of Self Reliance LLC and has been in the Public Domain since 1990. 

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